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School Governance at The Greenfield & Hurst Drive Federation


The Federation has a Governing Body - a group of hardworking volunteers - who meet half-termly in the evening and visit the federation regularly to play an important role in making the federation the best it can be for its children, parents/carers and staff.


The governors act as a 'critical friend' to the Executive Headteacher and federation leaders in an effort to ensure the federation makes the right improvements, keeps its finances in good order and provides an excellent education for each and every child.


At present, the 'Instrument of Government' states that the Governing Body of Greenfield and Hurst Drive Federation should consist of the following members:


  • 2 parent governors
  • 1 local authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 7 co-opted governors


Please find details below of those who form the Governing Body, including the names, responsibilities and terms of office for each governor.


Who's Who of School Governance


Diane Croston– Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors) -

Link Governor Role: Assessment

Term of Office: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2027

Pecuniary Interests: None


Mireilli Forrest – Executive Headteacher -

Term of Office: 01/04/2023 - ongoing

Pecuniary Interests: Executive Headteacher at Greenfield and Hurst Drive Federation


Sophie Tyler – Staff Governor

Term of Office: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2027

Pecuniary Interests: Class Teacher at Hurst Drive Primary School


Linda Clark - Co-opted Governor

Link Governor Role: Health and Safety

Term of office: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2027

Pecuniary Interests: None


Christine Tulley - Parent Governor

Link Governor Role: Safeguarding

Terms of Office: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2027

Pecuniary Interests:


Shahnaz Rahman: Parent Governor

Link Governor Role:

Term of Office:

Pecuniary Interests:


Jan Myers: LEA Governor

Link Governor Role:

Term of Office:

Pecuniary Interests:


Ania Vaughan: Co-Opted Governor

Link Role:  Chair of curriculum and standards committee

Term of Office:

Pecuniary Interests:


Vacancy – Co-opted Governor

Link Governor Role: SEND

Term of Office: TBC

Pecuniary Interests: TBC


Vacancy – Parent Governor

Link Governor Role: Finance

Term of Office: TBC

Pecuniary Interests: TBC