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Federation Improvement Priorities

As a federation we have set four main priorities for improvement for the next 3 years. For each area of improvement, we have established what we want our federation to look like and described our intention. We have already made significant progress towards each of our four priorities; we regularly review how we are doing and update our actions accordingly.

Priority 1 - Health & Wellbeing

"A happy, safe, productive and supportive community in which to work and learn."

All staff are proud to be part of the federation. They feel valued and supported to carry out the work they need to do. The federation has a clear and consistent approach to supporting staff mental health and wellbeing. The staff team are aware of their own responsibility for supporting their own mental health and wellbeing and where to go should they need further help. The senior leadership team consider the impact of staff welling of any new initiatives, practices and procedures in order to reduce any unnecessary workload or pressure. Staff are supported to develop professionally through a robust programme of professional development and appraisal. 

Priority 2 - Raising Attainment

"The highest quality of education for every child, every day."

All teachers and practitioners across the federation are confident as to what high quality teaching and learning looks like. They are enabled to teach consistently in this way in order to raise attainment. Children thrive as successful, independent learners. Our teaching is research-informed and developed through reflective practice and targeted CPD. Oracy and literacy are at the heart of what we do to ensure all children can access learning and can take advantage of future learning opportunities. Every child is known well. Meaningful, timely interventions with adults support children to feel successful, build confidence and close gaps. 

Priority 3 - Behaviour

"A calm, safe and purposeful environment."

Children are happy and feel like they belong to their friendship group, class, their school and community. All relationships in the federation are rooted in confidence, kindness, inclusion and respect. Children enjoy feeling successful and have the confidence to make mistakes. They see the value in learning and know how to learn so they happy themselves well to their learning. Children take on responsibilities and leadership within the Federation which encourages pride in their schools and community. Parents are supportive of the federation behaviour expectations and uphold them. 

Priority 4 - SEND

"Every child, without exception, included and fully enabled to succeed."

High quality, adapted teaching in a positive and supportive environment is our first step in responding to children who have, or may have, SEND. Early and accurate identification and assessment ensures the needs of all pupils are understood in order to enable pupils with SEND to make progress. Staff are well trained and confident in knowing how to meet the needs of all children, they feel well supported in this role. Support staff are effectively deployed. Teachers are fully accountable for the assessment and progress of all children in their care, without exception. Parents are included as the 'first educators' of their child and involved in decision making and review. Communication is strong. Record keeping is relevant and robust.